Thursday, December 22, 2011

Look into your heart...and you'll find Gratitude

Christmas is fast approaching and I am beginning to feel the holiday cheer.  Six months ago, my friend and I where given an amazing opportunity to open a cart at UTC in La Jolla.  After careful consideration we agreed to the terms and opened up shoppe.
Here we are towards the end of our journey and I am filled with so much joy and gratitude. All thought I can't wait to work from my home studio again and have dinner with my family every night, there are some much that I will miss from my time here:

1. All my new friends that I made at The Walking Company, Gap, Love Tatum and management.
2. People walking in just to touch and reminisce about the time when their children where babies.
3. My friends from Starbucks and the Apple store
4. Getting all the fun deals at the Gap
5. Having my brother visit me for lunch
6. Having the opportunity to join the Little Italy family
7. Seeing babies walking around the mall wearing my little creations and hearing their moms say how many compliments they got for them.